Seems like we made all of our major decision today and now we can speed ahead with production, which is great. Below is my rough diagram for our installation, and I was looking around Level 6 and 7 today and saw many well lit areas our piece would look great in.
Heres the to-do list to wrap this assignment up:
1. Powerpoint presentation - Nancy
2. 500 Words - Adam (With help from John, to be sent to Nancy before Sunday)
3. Crochet construction - Nancy & Adam
4. Hyperbolic construction - Sebastian & John
5. Investigation into lighting possibilities - John
6. Investigation into colouring (faint spray paint options) - Adam
7. Installation - At this point will be everyone, unless we finish early.
8. Presenting in class - a bit from everyone - maybe something like: intro from Adam, slides/process from Nancy, constructing the orb by John and final product by Sebastian?
Other Notes;
1. Everyone bring your own photographic devices on monday to take photos of our piece to use in your individual application task.
2. Just so we all know, the diameters of the 3 objects are as follows;
LARGE: 15cm crochet, 30cm hyperbolic sphere.
MEDIUM: 10cm crochet, 20cm hyperbolic sphere.
SMALL: 5cm crochet, 10cm hyperbolic sphere.