Monday, 7 November 2011

Delayed Post on Crocheted Testing...

Sorry about the late blog on the testing for the crochet hyperbolic! Lost camera cord. Anyway, I tested many different materials with some very interesting results! I tested on rope like material, plastic and scooby strings which is a colourful stretchy plastic tubing. Here is the photo of the materials..

Here is the photo of the samples I did with these materials.

We didn't end up using any of these materials because we wanted a more transparent material. Adam went to reverse garbage and picked up some semi transparent plastic tubing, one a yellow-ish colour, the other a brown metallic colour. We tested both of the tubing and decided to go with the yellow-ish coloured tubing. We don't know what the tubing was previously used for but it was SO oily! It was good and bad. Good in the sense that the oil made it easier to crochet, however the oil got onto my hands making it harder to hold the crochet hook. I ended up wearing gloves when crocheting the rest of the roll! The material is also a bit stretchy allowing me to crochet it quite easily if I pulled the tubing too hard and the tension was too tight, it was easily altered.

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